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BinaryOutput Methods

The BinaryOutput type exposes the following members.

Public methodClose
Flush and close standard output. Once standard output is closed, you can no longer write bits to it.
Public methodFlush
Flush standard output, padding 0s if number of bits written so far is not a multiple of 8.
Public methodStatic memberMainTest
Test client.
Public methodWrite(Boolean)
Write the specified bit to standard output.
Public methodWrite(Byte)
Write the 8-bit byte to standard output.
Public methodWrite(Char)
Write the 8-bit char to standard output.
Public methodWrite(Double)
Write the 64-bit double to standard output.
Public methodWrite(Int16)
Write the 16-bit int to standard output.
Public methodWrite(Int32)
Write the 32-bit int to standard output.
Public methodWrite(Int64)
Write the 64-bit long to standard output.
Public methodWrite(Single)
Write the 32-bit float to standard output.
Public methodWrite(String)
Write the string of 8-bit characters to standard output.
Public methodWrite(Char, Int32)
Write the r-bit char to standard output.
Public methodWrite(Int32, Int32)
Write the r-bit int to standard output.
Public methodWrite(String, Int32)
Write the string of r-bit characters to standard output.
See Also