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GraphGenerator Methods

The GraphGenerator type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberBinaryTree
Returns a complete binary tree graph on V vertices.
Public methodStatic memberBipartite(Int32, Int32, Double)
Returns a random simple bipartite graph on V1 and V2 vertices, containing each possible edge with probability p.
Public methodStatic memberBipartite(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Returns a random simple bipartite graph on V1 and V2 vertices with E edges.
Public methodStatic memberComplete
Returns the complete graph on V vertices.
Public methodStatic memberCompleteBipartite
Returns a complete bipartite graph on V1 and V2 vertices.
Public methodStatic memberCycle
Returns a cycle graph on V vertices.
Public methodStatic memberEulerianCycle
Returns an Eulerian cycle graph on V vertices.
Public methodStatic memberEulerianPath
Returns an Eulerian path graph on V vertices.
Public methodStatic memberMainTest
Demo test the GraphGenerator library.
Public methodStatic memberPath
Returns a path graph on V vertices.
Public methodStatic memberRegular
Returns a uniformly random k-regular graph on V vertices (not necessarily simple). The graph is simple with probability only about e^(-k^2/4), which is tiny when k = 14.
Public methodStatic memberSimple(Int32, Double)
Returns a random simple graph on V vertices, with an edge between any two vertices with probability p. This is sometimes referred to as the Erdos-Renyi random graph model.
Public methodStatic memberSimple(Int32, Int32)
Returns a random simple graph containing V vertices and E edges.
Public methodStatic memberStar
Returns a star graph on V vertices.
Public methodStatic memberTree
Returns a uniformly random tree on V vertices. This algorithm uses a Prufer sequence and takes time proportional to V log V.
Public methodStatic memberWheel
Returns a wheel graph on V vertices.
See Also