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IndexMaxPQKey Methods

The IndexMaxPQKey generic type exposes the following members.

Public methodChangeKey
Change the key associated with index i to the specified value.
Public methodContains
Is i an index on this priority queue?
Public methodDecreaseKey
Decrease the key associated with index i to the specified value.
Public methodDelete
Remove the key on the priority queue associated with index i.
Public methodDelMax
Removes a maximum key and returns its associated index.
Public methodGetEnumerator
Returns an iterator that iterates over the keys on the priority queue in descending order.
Public methodIncreaseKey
Increase the key associated with index i to the specified value.
Public methodInsert
Associate key with index i.
Public methodKeyOf
Returns the key associated with index i.
Public methodStatic memberMainTest
Demo test the IndexMaxPQ data type.
See Also