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TrieSET Methods

The TrieSET type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd
Adds the key to the set if it is not already present.
Public methodContains
Does the set contain the given key?
Public methodDelete
Removes the key from the set if the key is present.
Public methodGetEnumerator
Returns all of the keys in the set, as an iterator. To iterate over all of the keys in a set named set, use the foreach notation: foreach (Key key in set).
Public methodKeysThatMatch
Returns all of the keys in the set that match pattern, where . symbol is treated as a wildcard character.
Public methodKeysWithPrefix
Returns all of the keys in the set that start with prefix.
Public methodLongestPrefixOf
Returns the string in the set that is the longest prefix of query, or null, if no such string.
Public methodStatic memberMainTest
Demo test the TrieSET data type.
See Also