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DigraphGenerator Class
The DigraphGenerator class provides static methods for creating various digraphs, including Erdos-Renyi random digraphs, random DAGs, random rooted trees, random rooted DAGs, random tournaments, path digraphs, cycle digraphs, and the complete digraph.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Algs4Net
Assembly: Algs4Net (in Algs4Net.dll) Version: (
public class DigraphGenerator

The DigraphGenerator type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberBinaryTree
Returns a complete binary tree digraph on V vertices.
Public methodStatic memberComplete
Returns the complete digraph on V vertices.
Public methodStatic memberCycle
Returns a cycle digraph on V vertices.
Public methodStatic memberDag
Returns a random simple DAG containing V vertices and E edges. Note: it is not uniformly selected at random among all such DAGs.
Public methodStatic memberEulerianCycle
Returns an Eulerian cycle digraph on V vertices.
Public methodStatic memberEulerianPath
Returns an Eulerian path digraph on V vertices.
Public methodStatic memberMainTest
Demo test the DigraphGenerator library.
Public methodStatic memberPath
Returns a path digraph on V vertices.
Public methodStatic memberRootedInDAG
Returns a random rooted-in DAG on V vertices and E edges. A rooted in-tree is a DAG in which there is a single vertex reachable from every other vertex. The DAG returned is not chosen uniformly at random among all such DAGs.
Public methodStatic memberRootedInTree
Returns a random rooted-in tree on V vertices. A rooted in-tree is an oriented tree in which there is a single vertex reachable from every other vertex. The tree returned is not chosen uniformly at random among all such trees.
Public methodStatic memberRootedOutDAG
Returns a random rooted-out DAG on V vertices and E edges. A rooted out-tree is a DAG in which every vertex is reachable from a single vertex. The DAG returned is not chosen uniformly at random among all such DAGs.
Public methodStatic memberRootedOutTree
Returns a random rooted-out tree on V vertices. A rooted out-tree is an oriented tree in which each vertex is reachable from a single vertex. It is also known as a Arborescence or Branching. The tree returned is not chosen uniformly at random among all such trees.
Public methodStatic memberSimple(Int32, Double)
Returns a random simple digraph on V vertices, with an edge between any two vertices with probability p. This is sometimes referred to as the Erdos-Renyi random digraph model. This implementations takes time propotional to V^2 (even if p is small).
Public methodStatic memberSimple(Int32, Int32)
Returns a random simple digraph containing V vertices and E edges.
Public methodStatic memberStrong
Returns a random simple digraph on V vertices, E edges and (at least) c strong components. The vertices are randomly assigned integer labels between 0 and c-1 (corresponding to strong components). Then, a strong component is creates among the vertices with the same label. Next, random edges (either between two vertices with the same labels or from a vetex with a smaller label to a vertex with a larger label). The number of components will be equal to the number of distinct labels that are assigned to vertices.
Public methodStatic memberTournament
Returns a random tournament digraph on V vertices. A tournament digraph is a DAG in which for every two vertices, there is one directed edge. A tournament is an oriented complete graph.

For additional documentation, see Section 4.2 of Algorithms, 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.

This class is a C# port from the original Java class DigraphGenerator implementation by the respective authors.

See Also