The LookupIndex class provides a data-driven client for reading in a
key-value pairs from a file; then, printing the values corresponding to the
keys found on standard input. Keys are strings; values are lists of strings.
The separating delimiter is taken as a command-line argument. This client
is sometimes known as an Inverted index.
Inheritance Hierarchy
Namespace: Algs4NetAssembly: Algs4Net (in Algs4Net.dll) Version: (
SyntaxThe LookupIndex type exposes the following members.
| Name | Description |
  | MainTest |
Implementation of the LookupIndex client. |
For additional documentation, see Section 3.5 of
Algorithms, 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
This class is a C# port from the original Java class
implementation by the respective authors.
See Also